Vitamins important for the human body
The vitamins is a organic compound an a vital nutrients that an organisms require in limited amount. It’s can not synthesize in the body and it must be obtained through the diet.
Vitamins important for the human body
The vitamins is a organic compound an a vital nutrients that an organisms require in limited amount. The vitamins can not synthesize in the body and it must be obtained through the diet.
The vitamins are a group of organic nutrients required in small amount for different biochemical function and which and generally can not be synthesized in body and must therefore be supplied by diet.
Detailed Classification of Vitamins :-
These are two types –
- Fat Soluble Vitamins (A,D,E & K)
- Water Soluble Vitamins (Vit. B complex, non B complex and vit. C)
Fat Soluble Vitamins :-
Vitamin A (Retinol) :-
Source:- Orange, Green vegetable, Carrots, Egg, Fish, Soybean, Milk and Others.
Function of Vitamin A :-
- Vitamin A is help from and maintain the health, skeleton, teeth and soft tissue or mucus membrane and skin.
- The vitamin A is the essential for maintaining healthy immune function against to the infection.
- The vitamin A is the promotes good vision especially in low light.
- Retinoic acid functions as a steroid hormone and regulates protein synthesis.
- vitamin A maintains healthy epithelium by preventing keratins synthesis.
- vitamin A is necessary for synthesis of some glycoproteins.
- Cholesterol synthesis require vitamin A beta-carotene work as anti-oxidants and reduce risk of cancer.
- It is involved in nucleic acid metabolism.
Daily Requirement – 1500 to 7500 IU
Deficiency of vitamin A :-
- The Deficiency of vitamin A produce night blindness and the reduce the tear secretion in the eye that normally lubricate and moisten the eye.
- Rough and dry skin , growth retardation , destruction of cornea.
Vitamin D :-
Source:- Sun light, Egg and Cod liver oil.
These vitamins are two type D2 and D3
- D2 (Ergocalciferol)
- D3 (Cholecalciferol)
Function of Vitamin D :-
- The vitamin required for formation of bones.
- It is regulates the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
- Vitamin D is the Converted of Ergosterol to ergocalciferol(D2) in the plants by action of sun light.
Deficiency :-
Muscle weakness and bone pain. Due to the lack of vitamin D, it is called racket.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) :-
Source:- Vegetable oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower, lefty vegetables, Egg, Wheat and rice.
Function of Vitamin E :-
- It is act as antioxidant and prevent the oxidation of unsaturated of the fatty acid.
- The main function of vitamin E is reproductive.
- It is also required for normal physiology of muscular system.
- It is also increase the rate of DNA syntheses in a cell.
- It is also play important role in the maintenance of structural and functional of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and staicle muscles.
Deficiency :-
- Low level of vitamin in body to produce muscles weakness.
- Disorientation and vision problems.
- Immune system problem.
Vitamin K :-
Source:- Green leafy vegetable, Spinach, Cauliflower and Cabbage, Cow’s milk and Other source of fish, egg and meat etc.
- Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone)
- Vitamin K2 (menaquinone)
- Vitamin K3 (Menadione)
Function of Vitamin K :-
- It Is the main function of normal blood coagulation and formation of prothrombin.
- It is the necessary for the syntheses for clotting factors.
Deficiency :-
It is result in blood clotting disorders. The deficiency of vitamin K time taken for blood clotting increase called as hemorrhage.
Water soluble vitamins :-
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
- Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
- Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) :-
Source:- Green vegetables, Fruits, and peas.
Function of vitamin B1 :-
- The main function of the vitamin B1 is the carbohydrate metabolism or use energy.
- It is the required or biosynthesis of fatty acid and glucose.
Deficiency :-
It is the produce beriberi disease and other disease produce are confusion and mental retardation.
Daily Requirement – 1 to 1.5 mg/day
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) :-
source :- milk, Egg, Green leafy vegetables, meat and fish etc.
Function of vitamin B2 :-
- These vitamins help the body to convert to food into glucose which is used to produce energy.
- It is the help body metabolism, fats and protein.
- It is the protecting skin and eye health.
Deficiency :-
It produce slow growth, digestive problem, swelling, soreness of the throat and sensitivity to light.
Daily Requirement – 0.4 to 1.4
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):-
source:- Fish, meat, legumes and ground nuts.
Function of vitamin B3 :-
- Vitamin B3 are required for bio synthesis.
- These vitamins are needed for the production for high energy compound.
- The deficiency vitamin B3 produce lounge disease these are produce dermatitis (inflammation of skin), diarrhea and pellagra.
Daily Requirement – 18 mg/day
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) :-
Source :- Potato, Sunflower, Egg, Peas, Milk, Nuts, Fish etc.
Function of vitamin B5 :-
- It is required for the formation co-enzyme. A the co-enzyme A is required for all acetate and fatty acid metabolism in the body.
- It is the important role play in the breakdown of carbohydrate protein.
Deficiency :-
The deficiency of vitamin B5 it produce fatigue, insomnia, vomiting, loss of hair, dermatitis.
Daily Requirement – 6 mg/day
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) :-
Source:- vegetables, fish, soybeans, Bread, Pork.
Function :-
- It helps the body make chemicals that carry signals form one nerve cell to another.
- It is the the required for normal brain development and function.
- It is help the body make the Harmons serotonin and norepinephrine.
Deficiency :-
It is the produce dermatitis cheilitis [cracks lips and corners of mouth].
Daily Requirement – 1.9 mg/day
Vitamin B7 (Biotin):-
source:- Egg, bread, spinach, Green peas, fruits, soybean, cabbage etc.
Function :-
- It is help in the metabolic process
- It is the maintain a healthy nerve system
- It is the metabolism, carbohydrates and fats.
- It is help in the synthesis of glucose for energy.
- It is controlling of blood glucose level.
Deficiency :-
- It produce hair loss and a red rashes around the eyes, nose and mouth.
- It is deficiency the decrease bio syntheses of fatty acid, and ammonia by the formation of urea it reduced.
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) :-
Source:- Papaya, almonds, fruits, Spinach, beans, green vegetable, cabbage etc.
Function :-
- The main function of vitamin B9 formation of healthy RBC.
- It is the provide strong immune power. It is help in normal growth in fetus during pregnancy.
- It is the required for proper brain function and play and important role in mental and emotional health.
- It is the help in development of the brain of fetus during pregnancy.
Deficiency :-
It is produce anemia. It is the produce slow growth of fetus.
Daily Requirement – 600 μmg/day
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) :-
source:- Milk, egg, fish, cheese etc.
- It is need for blood and immune cells and it is support a healthy of nervous system.
- It is the formation of RBC synthesize of folic acid, DNA, and nerve function.
- It is protect of heart, bones, nerve, and brain damage.
Deficiency :-
- It produce sore and red tongue, head aches, pale skin and lack of energy.
- It is the deficiency of vitamin B12 to result mouth ulcers, muscles weakness, confusion and birth defects.
Daily Requirement – 2.6 mg/day
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) :-
Source:- All fruits or vegetables, citreous fruits(orange, amla, tomato, lemon) and others source are guava, papaya and cauliflower.
- It is the need for growth of tissues and all parts of all body.
- It is important function of protein used to make skin and blood vessels.
- It is needed for healing wounds and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.
- vitamin c help in the storage of iron as ferritin.
- vitamin c takes part in tryptophan, tyrosine and folic acid metabolism.
- vitamin c is involved in the electron transport chain.
- vitamin c promotes the synthesis of immunoglobulins.
- The deficiency of vitamin C is the produce “scurvy” the ulceration or bleeding of the gums and loss of teeth, swelling in some parts of the body, it is the produce anemia.
- These are deficiency in pregnant women with a babies brain do not proper develop.
Daily Requirement – 60 to 70 mg/day
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