Health and Medical

7 Common Causes of Constipation You Should Know


Constipation is a digestive disease in which food is not completely digested.
Millions of people all over the world are troubled by this disease. There are many reasons due to which one has to face this type of problem.

  1. Not consuming fiber rich foods in diet
  2. Lack of a balanced diet
  3. Change in daily routine
  4. Using medication for a long time
  5. Unhealthy lifestyle and dehydration
  6. Ignoring the urge to defecate
  7. Stress and worry

Not consuming fiber rich foods in diet –

Lack of fiber in our food causes many diseases, hence we should include it in our diet.

Lack of fiber causes constipation and constipation causes stomach ache, stomach cramps, intestinal infection, gas, etc. Apart from this, sometimes acidity also occurs.

Lack of a balanced diet

One reason for constipation is eating unbalanced diet and junk food, oily food, packet food are not good for health.

Change in daily routine

Changing the daily routine brings changes in the body due to which constipation may occur. This means that if the work done in the morning is not done in the morning, it is a part of the change in the routine, it affects our body.

Using medication for a long time

Constipation is also a common cause if the patient is given medicines for a long time, then their side effects fall on the body, resulting in problems like constipation, liver problem, kidney problem, blood pressure etc.

Unhealthy lifestyle and dehydration

Due to this problem of constipation also occurs like consuming alcohol throughout the day, not eating on time, not exercising, being excessively angry, not getting enough sleep, being under excessive stress etc.
Apart from this, consuming less water causes dehydration in the body.

Ignoring the urge to defecate

If we hold back defecation, we may suffer from constipation and intestinal infection.

Stress and worry

Due to this also constipation occurs, hence one should stay away from worry and tension.

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